From carbon budget to business decarbonisation strategy

Organised by Chapter Zero France in collaboration with ADEMEFrench Ministry of Economy and FinanceLafargeHolcim and the World Benchmarking Alliance

Date: 25/03/2021

Three takeaways

  • The ACT (Assessing Low-carbon Transition) methodology is a decarbonization strategy tool which focuses on commitment, transition plans, present scenario, legacy and consistency in achieving the goals, along with a performance score.
  • The two main objectives of the taxonomy are a common language/metrics for the greening of the financial sector, and accompanying the transition to carbon neutrality.
  • The World Benchmarking Alliance has developed sectorial benchmarks assessing company’s performance against the UN Sustainable development goals through ACT.


A one-pager summary of the session by ShARE is available for Chapter Zero France members. If interested, please contact us. 

Download the webinar slides by clicking on the image

Webinar speakers

Speakers :  

  • French Ministry of Economy and Finance – Charlotte Gardes, Deputy head of the sustainable finance, corporate law, accounting standards and corporate governance unit
  • ADEME (French Agency for Ecological Transition) – Romain Poivet, Climate project manager
  • LafargeHolcim – Antonio Carrillo Doblado, Global head climate & energy

Moderator :

  • World Benchmarking Alliance – Vicky Sins, lead decarbonisation and energy transformation