Organised by Chapter Zero France and Chapter Zero Switzerland in collaboration with Economics of Mutuality Foundation.
Date: 24/03/2021
Three takeaways
- Natural capital is more than just climate, and efficient management of natural capital requires an input approach (vs an output approach).
- Instead of an output approach, where emissions are measured, an input approach should be used, where the 5 natural assets - air, water, renewable materials, non-renewable materials and top-soil erosion are measured to produce a good or service.
- The natural inputs-based approach allows businesses to go beyond management of financial capital and embrace other forms of capital and go beyond mono-stakeholder engagement to multi-stakeholder engagement.
A one-pager summary of the session by ShARE is available for Chapter Zero France members. If interested, please contact us.
Webinar speakers
Speakers :
- Economics of Mutuality Foundation – Bruno Roche, Founder and Executive Director
- Economics of Mutuality Foundation – Francesco Cordaro, Senior Expert Data Analytics
- Chipita S.A. – Martin Radvan, Non-Executive Director
Moderators :
- Chapter Zero France – Sonia Tatar, Board Member; Executive Director, INSEAD Corporate Governance Centre
- Chapter Zero Switzerland – Peter Brandle, Co-Chairman; CEO, Elephant Vert