Organised by Chapter Zero France in collaboration with BNP Paribas, Société Générale, Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and IESE Business School.
Date: 23/03/2021
Three takeaways
- The notion of transition involves shifting capital allocation, assisting clients to embark on their journey to ‘become carbon-neutral’, and imposing sanctions on client and investee companies that fail to adhere to net-zero commitments.
- Investors now largely consider that the role of the board in driving climate enaggement is crucial. However, only 3% of S&P 100 Directors were found to be climate competent in an NYU report.
- Collaboration among countries is needed to align non-financial standards. Laggards and free-riders behavior remains a real risk and will justifiably lead to accusations of ‘greenwashing’, which will undermine credibility in the industry.
A one-pager summary of the session by ShARE is available for Chapter Zero France members. If interested, please contact us.
Webinar speakers
Speakers :
- BNP Paribas – Jean Lemierre, Chair
- Société Générale – Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, Chair
- The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation – Kate Hampton, CEO
- EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction & Development) – Jürgen Rigterink, First Vice President and Head of Client Services Group
Moderator :
- IESE Business School – Professor Mireia Giné, Associate Professor of Finance; Non Executive Director, Banco Sabadell