Climate change disclosure: the role of the TCFD in driving effective board behaviour

Organised by Chapter Zero France in collaboration with AMF (Autorité des marchés financiers), AXADeloitteLegal&General Investment Management and SCOR

Date: 26/03/2021

Three takeaways

  • The 4 components of TCFD (governance, strategy, risk management and metrics/targets) are often treated separately while they are meant to be the 4 facets of the same representation and to be fully consistent.
  • Scenario analysis is a powerful baseline for a fruitful dialogue between the management and the board: beyond the reporting, what is interesting for the board are the implications and the way to make the company’s business more resilient.
  • The TCFD is not just  a ‘conversation tool’, it is already an ‘investment tool’, which means Investors are eagerly looking for transition plan and hence to re-allocate capital. 


A one-pager summary of the session by ShARE is available for Chapter Zero France members. If interested, please contact us. 

Download the webinar slides by clicking on the image

Webinar speakers

Speakers : 

  • AMF (Autorité des marchés financiers) – Julie Ansidei, Head of Strategy and Sustainable Finance, Secretary to the Executive Committee
  • AXA – Sylvain Vanston, Group Head of Climate Change & Biodiversity; Member, Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
  • SCOR – Michele Lacroix, Head of Group Investment Risk & Sustainability; former chair of the EFRAG Lab project task force on climate disclosures; Chair of the Project Task Force on Climate-Related Reporting at EFRAG; member of the Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance at the European Commission
  • Legal&General Investment Management – Meryam Omi, Head of Sustainability & Responsible Investment Strategy

Moderator :

  • Deloitte – Eric Dugelay, Partner Sustainability Services; Member, Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures