Ambition Net Zero: Why boards have to lead the way

Ambition Net Zero: Why boards have to lead the way

Ambition Net Zero: Why boards have to lead the way

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This webinar is a joint event organised by INSEAD Alumni Global Energy Club, INSEAD Corporate Governance Center, and the Climate Governance Initiative (head organisation of Chapter Zero France). This event will take place in English.

Why the boards have to lead the way amidst the changing landscape of energy transition, climate change and decarbonisation? What is the best course and speed of change they have to lead? The last quarter of 2021 is marked by movements in global energy and carbon markets requiring increased competence for truly informed decisions by boards.

The INSEAD Alumni Global Energy Club, the Climate Governance Initiative and INSEAD Corporate Governance Center are pleased to present a new instalment of the Ambition Net Zero webinar series.


  • Karina Litvack – Chairman of the Governing Board, Climate Governance Initiative; Non-Executive Director, Eni
  • Adam Matthews – Co-Director of the Investment Team, Church of England Pensions Boards


  • Ron Soonieus – Senior Advisor, Boston Consulting Group; Executive in Residence, INSEAD Corporate Governance Center

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Date et heure

lundi 25 octobre 2021 @ 12:00 à
lundi 25 octobre 2021 @ 13:00


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